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Glusburn Community Primary School

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Design Technology

At Glusburn School we believe...

Design and Technology prepares children to deal with tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. It encourages children to become independent, creative problem solvers and thinkers as individuals and part of a team. It enables them to identify needs and opportunities and to respond to them by developing a range of ideas and by making products and systems. Through the study of Design and Technology, they combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as functions and industry. This allows them to reflect on and evaluate past and present technology, its uses and impacts.

Our design and technology leader is Mrs Lucy Jardine


It is the intent of Glusburn Primary School for Design Technology to be taught in all year groups through at least one component per term to include one component on food technology. Design Technology projects are often made cross curricular – linking to other subjects taught.

Key objectives of intent within the Design Technology Curriculum based on the National Curriculum 2014 guidance:

  • Products are to be made for a purpose.
  • Individuality should be ensured in children’s design and construction of products.
  • Delivery of the two strands: Designing and Making and Cooking and Nutrition.
  • More emphasis to be given on creating ‘innovative’ products in KS2.
  • Teaching the importance of making on-going changes and improvements during making stages.
  • Looking into seasonality of ingredients and how they are grown, caught or reared.
  • The introduction of computing and coding of products in KS2.
  • Researching key events and individual designers in the History of Technology in KS2.





Children experience 3 alternate half-terms of D.T each year, this allows them sufficient time to become fluent in their knowledge and skills to create final pieces of work, whilst recalls will ensure this is embedded in their long term memory. The teaching of Design Technology across the school follows a progression of skills through three components which are built on each year. These are: ‘sewing and textiles,’ ‘food and nutrition,’ and ‘mechanisms and structures’. Children design products with a purpose in mind and an intended user of the products. Food technology is implemented across the school in each year group with children developing an understanding of where food comes from, the importance of a varied and healthy diet and how to prepare this. DT is very cross – curricular and draws upon subject knowledge and skills within: Mathematics, Science, History, Computing and Art.


How is D.T. enabled in the Early Years?

In Early Years D.T. is taught through the Specific area of Expressive Arts and Design and is enabled through for example: providing resources for mixing colours, joining things together and combining materials, demonstrating where appropriate; providing children with opportunities to use their skills and explore concepts and ideas through their representations; having a ‘holding bay’ where models and works can be retained for a period for children to enjoy, develop, or refer to; extending children’s experience and expanding their imagination through the provision of pictures and paintings; making materials accessible so that children are able to imagine and develop their projects and ideas while they are still fresh in their minds and important to them; providing opportunities indoors and outdoors; demonstrating and teaching skills and techniques associated with the things children are doing, for example, showing them how to stop the paint from dripping; introducing children to a wide range of music, painting and sculpture; encouraging children to take time to think about painting or sculpture that is unfamiliar to them before they talk about it or express an opinion.

How does the D.T. curriculum reflect our school values and ethos?

Our UNICEF and REACH ethos and values at Glusburn school are embedded within the DT curriculum. DT is an inspiring and practical subject requiring creativity, resourcefulness and imagination. Children learn to take risks, be reflective, innovative, enterprising and resilient.

UNCRC ARTICLE 13: Every child has the right to find out and distribute information and to express their ideas – through talking, writing, art or any other form of expression.

How does the D.T. curriculum impact on children’s cultural capital and in becoming well rounded citizens?

At Glusburn, the ethos of DT instils resilience, perseverance and creative thinking and problem solving within our children. It allows them to adapt their thinking, to fail and feel safe. Instilling confidence to persevere and go on to try again and achieve. This is achieved through high quality lessons, up to date resources, and through inspiration from local business. Our curriculum embeds life skills and knowledge. It enables children to understand the importance of food for health and nutrition; to be able to look after themselves and others in the future. It teaches and enables our children to work both collaboratively on a project or independently. It allows them to reflect, adapt and achieve with confidence.

Special Educational Needs and Disability

We recognise that pupils with SEND have a range of different needs and starting points. Some of our pupils have severe, complex or profound needs that have a significant impact on their cognitive development, especially the way that they are able to make alterations to their long-term memory. Teachers are ambitious for all pupils including those with SEND, developing and adapting the curriculum so that it is coherently sequenced to all pupils’ needs, starting points and aspirations for the future; acquiring the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

UNCRC ARTICLE 23: A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life in conditions that promote dignity, independence and an active role in the community.

summer 24 long term plan.pdf


dt med term plan aut 2 july 2023.pdf


dt med term plan spring 2 food and nutrition.pdf


dt med term plan summer 2 feb 2023.pdf


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